The blog of an aspiring author, wending her way from first draft to edit, and hopefully to becoming not only agented but published. Can I get an agent by the end of the year? I certainly hope so! My name is Amy Goodwill, and the only way to get this done is to sit down, shut up and do it. Brain, fingers and keyboard. Nothing to it... right?

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

A little about myself and my work

I realised today that I've never actually written anything of any significance here about the novel I'm working on, what sort of writing I do, that sort of thing. So I guess I better had, huh? I hesitate to write too much about it, but I'll tell you a little.

My current WIP is called The Night Tower, and is a fantasy novel which is hopefully going to be somewhere in the region of 120,000 words, rather than any larger wordcount. I have a quartet planned, of which this is the first novel, and I am about 90% of the way through the first draft. It has strong elements of romance and crime/mystery, and is character-driven rather than fantasy-driven, by which I mean that magic exists, but within strict limits, and is not the true focus of the story, but an engine by which it moves along.

I have finished a full-length novel once before, and many unfinished projects, which I hope eventually to go back to and rewrite better than they were before. I hope to submit to agents by May next year. I was aiming for this year, until I realised that my dissertation will be hitting me hard from September onwards, and the clash might sink both my ships. So, once my degree is finished...

Look out for The Night Tower on the shelves, won't you?

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